In June, I was part of our neighbourhood Bloor West Art Tour. I got bored while waiting and manning the show. This watercolour was started then... finally finished this wk. My Kaffir Lily is quite old. Late in Spring, and in my eagerness to repot, it got too much sun too quickly outside. The plant suffered but it offered a more interesting painting subject... Never did get to repot it this year.

07-55 ~ Sun Burnt Kaffir Lily | 14" x 16" | watercolour | n/a

07-55 ~ Sun Burnt Kaffir Lily | 14" x 16" | watercolour | n/a
Hey Peter, great 'new' posts. It's been a long while since I've been browsing as a result of work, but you've got some stunning new pieces here. Great likeness on the figures! I recognise one of your models down there, D., he's a seasoned animator I worked with a few years back, great guy, lots of laughs and also a fine zany musician. I knew he got into some modelling as a hedge against the vagarities of the industry; for awhile there it was so bad you had to try and pick something up, teaching was another choice for many. He's obviously kept up with the modelling. Heck, no stress and deadlines, I don't blame him and have thought of something like that myself.
Clive, Good to hear fm you. How did you do on your last show? I'll make the connect'n w/ D the nxt time I see him. Modeling is not easy; Last yr my students and I took turns when there was a model schedule mixup. peter
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